Blueberry Pie Rocket Pops
Posted on August 10 2016

In keeping with August's theme of "Pies that are Not Shaped like Pies" I present these quick 'n easy lil' Blueberry Pie Rocket Pops. If you can trace around a piece of paper, you can pull these off. Not only are they super cute and super fast (under 45 min) to make, they taste great too. And if you don't put sugar in your dough and use real fruit only in your filling, you can add "healthy" and "low calorie" to that mix. Here's how they work...
Time to create:
- Half an hour to create stencils (or 5 min if you download my free template!)
- 20 minutes to assemble
- 15 minutes to bake at 425 degrees
- ready-made pie crust (or your own recipe)
- a jar of blueberry jam
- small container of fresh blueberries
- egg white
- brown sugar
- no-stick cooking spray
- cookie sheet
- pie pop sticks
- pastry brush
- jar for egg whites
- parchment paper
- scissors
- pencil
- computer
Step 1 - Create the stencil
My cookie sheet is 10" x 15" so I began by setting up a page the same size in Adobe Illustrator and measuring out 8 pie pops spaces. Then I drew my bottom shape (where the filling sits) and my top shape 5 mm larger (yes, I switch between metric and imperial measurements - its a Canadian thing) to accommodate for the drape around the filling. Finally I drew some little details for the rockets - bands and jet plume - and I was ready to trace onto parchment. The whole process took about half an hour.
But! You can save that half an hour by downloading my template and skipping right ahead to step 2...
Step 2 - Trace and cut out the shapes
With my template file complete, I traced each component onto a piece of parchment paper and cut out with scissors. This took less than 5 minutes with such simple shapes.
Step 3 - Set up your supplies
Add another piece of parchment paper or tin foil to your cookie sheet and spray it with Pam, or the gross non-stick spray of your choice (cooking sprays kinds of weird me out ;)
Lay out your pie pop sticks like so.
Sprinkle flour on your work surface, and pour some egg whites into a container with pastry brush. Now you are ready to make rockets!
Step 4 - Prep the dough and stencils
Roll out your *cold* dough onto your work surface. I can't stress this enough - if you want to retain the fine detail when you are cutting, make sure your dough is as cold as it can be without being frozen.
Place your parchment guides onto the dough. Make sure your parchment pieces curl down into your dough, rather than up away from it.
Step 5 - Cut out all the pieces
Work as quickly as you can as the dough will get stickier and harder to cut cleanly as you go. If necessary, pop your dough into the freezer for two minutes if you are finding it hard to cut.
Use an icing nib to cut out the window shape, and rotate your knife to add the little details to the tail fins.
Step 6 - Place the bottom pieces on the sheet, and jet plumes
Place the bottom rocket pieces on your baking sheet, give a good egg wash, then press the sticks in about half way.
Add the jet plumes (fire) just under this and pinch around the stick.
Step 7 - Make some filling!
You can certainly do this ahead of time if you think of it (I didn't) but even if you've forgotten until now, no worries! It's quick.
Rinse a small container of blueberries and add to a bowl with one scoop of blueberry jam. Mash the beejeebus out of it.
Step 8 - Add the filling
First, put way too much filling in.
Then, realize your mistake and remove 2/3rd of that filling. Dump it onto the rest of the baking tray, because why not?
Step 9 - Crimp on the rocket tops
As with any pie pop, place the top layer on and then use your fingers or a blunt instrument to crimp the top and bottom layer together.
Step 10 - Add the details
Give the rocket tops a good egg wash, then tap on the little details.
Egg wash once more and sprinkle on some brown sugar.
Step 11 - Oven time
Pop them in the oven for 15 minutes at 425 degrees. Keep an eye on them as your oven may be hotter or colder. The dough should be golden brown and the filling bubbling.
Step 12 - Let it cool completely
Let the rocket pops cool completely before removing from the sheet. They should come off clean and sturdy. If you did not dump excess filling all over your sheets that is. If you did dump extra filling everywhere, just pick off any crud that attaches itself.
Stop to take selfie while plating.
Done! If you have a little taste tester, do a quick QC analysis before serving. The verdict? It's good!
If you are making these for a party, you could stick them into a styrofoam ball in a vase for extra oomf. But they'll work on a black plate with some sugar crystal "stars" too. Happy pie poppin'!
Did you like this recipe/tutorial? Then g'wan and tweet, pin, instagram, etc. with the buttons below, and leave me a comment. As always I love to hear your feedback, ideas for future pies, and if you take a stab at making this design or any other unusual pie pop, lemme know and I may feature you on my Ins-pie-ration blog!
Thanks for reading :)
π > ∞
Jessica (aka @ThePieous)